Bishop movement 1.jpg
  • Bishops start off placed next to the King and Queen

  • Bishops move diagonally and capture the same way they move (see the diagram on the left)

  • You start with 1 bishop of each color square (one dark bishop that can only move on the dark squares, and one light bishop that can only move on the light squares).

  • Tip: it is a good idea to keep pawns on the opposite color of your bishops so that your bishops do not get blocked by your own pawns.

In chess, a PIN, occurs when an attacking piece attacks an enemy piece in which the defending enemy piece cannot move without exposing another valuable (often more valuable) defending piece on its other side to be capture by initial the attacking piece!

Bishops (and rooks and queens) are great at pinning.

Now it’s time to practice! Visualize using your mind. White to move and win in 1.

Answers are in the next section.


  1. Bd5 (example)

  2. Bg4

  3. Bc4

  4. Bc6

  5. Bd5

  6. Bd5+

  7. Bd5+

  8. Bd3+



