Mini Games Pawn wars (pawn only game)The game is set up with only pawns, no other piecesThe objective is to get a pawn to the other side of the boardThis simplifies the chess game (less pieces to consider) and indirectly teaches a child how pawn moves and attacks, and how they defend each other. Pawn only game with piecesYou can slowly add pieces to the pawns to both sides of the board (i.e. knights only, bishops only, rooks only, king only, and queen only).This introduces the pieces slowly and allows the child to understand how to use them.Continue to play until one person captures all the opponent’s pieces.Once the child plays all the combination of the games, he or she will have learned to use all the pieces! How many moves does it take to capture this piece?This improves the calculation and visual-spatial skills.Place a piece down for the beginner (knight, bishop, rook, queen, or king). Place a piece of the opposite color somewhere else on the board.Ask the beginner how many moves does it take for his/her piece to capture the enemy pieces.Repeat with different pieces and different distances.You can allow the child to physically move the piece on the board, or challenge the child to visualize the movements without physically touching the pieces. Checkmate PracticeStep 1: The child gets 1 king + 1 queen and one rook. You get one king.Step 2: The child gets 1 king + 2 rooks. You get one king.Step 3: The child gets 1 king + 1 queen. You get one king.Step 4: The child gets 1 king + 1 rook. You get one king.Step 5: The child gets 1 king + 2 bishops + 1 rook. You get one king.Step 6: The child gets 1 king + 2 bishops. You get one king. Quick set up, quick reward!